👀 There is no such thing as a straight line 〰️
Zoom in close enough to anything, and you'll notice irregularities. Even a laser beam is slightly curved, as light bends due to the Earth’s gravitational field.
I often think about this when drawing. While I admire artists who master vector shapes and clean lines, I find myself drawn to a different approach. My compositions rarely have clear lines; instead, they’re filled with brushes and splashes. Some might call it a lack of patience or a fear of empty space, but I see it as an adventurous pursuit of the unexpected.
Much like life's journey, my lines are slightly chaotic and messy. Despite doing most of my drawings on a tablet these days, I aim to mimic the imperfection of analog drawing. Why click "undo" when you can erase and draw over? The result is often more dynamic and visually engaging.