👀 Returning to Slovakia's Creative Haven
A journey is not a straight line but a completed circle. The intended destination – be it Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca, the banks of the Ganges, or any other place – is not the end of the road but merely the halfway point. The true destination is your own front door. And sometimes, returning to familiar places can make the circle feel complete. This is precisely how I felt last week when I arrived at the small village of Dúbravica in Slovakia. I have countless stories to share about this wonderful place, but for now, I want to focus on the heartwarming sensation I felt of reuniting with friends and witnessing the passage of time together.
Following the completion of my master's degree in Fine Arts in Romania in 2010, I spent several months wandering through Europe, uncertain of my next steps. I stayed with friends in northern France, sold Brazilian sandwiches in London markets, and when I was offered an exhibition in Oslo, I asked my Slovak friends to give me a place so I could paint. I arrived during a chilly spring with my few belongings and I ended up staying for two years.
The Slovak artists were a hectic and proud group, sort of led by Andrej Poliak, a native of the village who envisioned transforming the small community of 300 people into a creative laboratory. The authorities hesitantly granted us an abandoned space, and we promptly transformed into a residency. Together with Andrej, I co-founded Periférne Centrá (The Peripheral Centers), an organization connecting artists from diverse geographies. We traveled extensively throughout Slovakia, organizing art events, and I curated three Land Art events, inviting friends from all over. The village and its surroundings quickly became adorned with a multitude of art pieces. We even made it to national news a couple of times!
Twelve years later, many of these pieces have vanished, as they were never meant to be permanent. Andrej and his family have continued to receive creative souls in an old kindergarten, now repurposed as an artist residency - Are you an artist looking for a fun summer residency? Let's talk! Upon my return, I was delighted to discover my presence on the shelves, recognizing my own footsteps in the landscape, and allowing the village's elderly women to shower me with affectionate kisses and sweet words I could barely comprehend. Witnessing my friends' growth at their own pace made me feel as though all my years of wandering had finally brought me home. This past week was truly rejuvenating for my soul. As always, thanks for reading. Remember to stay curious.