👀 Forgetting in France: My Journey Through Memory and Time ✨🇫🇷

For those unaware, I’ve been on sabbatical with my family in Toulouse 🇫🇷 since September. This city is dear to us: we got married here (11 years next week! 🎉) before moving to DC and named our daughter Tolosa after the city’s old name. Toulouse is a place of love and fortune for us, and it serves as a poignant measure of time. The photos I take now and then reflect my family’s growth and my own evolving perspective.
2019 vs 2023
I pride myself on having a good memory, constantly reinforcing my experiences with sketches, notes, and an abundance of photos. However, when I retrieved images from ten years ago, I realized they are almost identical to those I've taken this year. Does that mean my point of view remains unchanged? Do I find joy in the same things? What does this mean for my journey of self-discovery? Here I was, thinking I was discovering the city anew! 😅

To be creative, one must learn to let go, making the ability to forget absolutely essential. I often see myself as a time traveler, communicating glimpses of my era to future generations through my illustrations, much like reading messages in bottles from my favorite artists of the past 🏺. But there’s something truly magical when —thanks to the power of forgetting— those images reach an older version of myself.
Thanks for reading and as they say in French: N'oublie pas de rester curieux! [Don’t forget to stay curious!] ✨